24 hours with Dina, Service Management Architect

Hello, I'm Dina. I'm a Service Management Architect with Orange Business based in Cairo, Egypt. My work is very dynamic and tends to go through cycles; right now, I'm in a busy period, mainly working on proposals with customers. Luckily, the human aspect of my role is something I highly value. I love the process of understanding what the customer is looking for, their perspective, and how we can find the best solution together.


I usually wake up around 6, then head to the sports club at 7. I do a variety of sports but today I'm doing CrossFit.


Next is a shower and a coffee. I love being out in the sun, so I like to soak up as much vitamin D as I can by having my breakfast outside. Luckily, the sports center is only 5 minutes from the office, so I can get to my desk in no time.


I'm at my desk. First things first, I check my emails – they entail customer emails, internal communication referring to an offer, any feedback I might be expecting, etc. From these emails, I plan out my day and write myself a to-do list (with pen and paper, I'm a little old-fashioned!)


At 10, my meetings with the German office start. We often work with the European office to support their deals, and thankfully, the time difference isn't too bad. This is a part of my job that I love – getting to work in a multinational environment and meeting people from all kinds of backgrounds and cultures.


I take a quick break to walk around the office and chat with my colleagues before getting back to my desk. I can't be still for too long!


It's now time for an external customer meeting. Today, we'll agree and align on what the requirements are and gain a common understanding of what we are hoping to achieve.


I get to work on designing a service management offer for a customer, grabbing a nice, big coffee for a midday pick-me-up.


Next, I have an internal meeting with the team, who'll be working with me on the customer offers. Our discussion will center around the setup, validating any unusual customer requirements and the ensuing negotiations.


When I have a more relaxed workday, I like to do some self-study. I recently worked on new agility trends within the company. Alas, today is not one of those days so I spend half an hour ticking off my to-do list instead.


It's lunchtime. Today, my colleagues and I are going to a restaurant at the nearby mall. Don't be fooled by my morning workout – I don't always eat healthily!


Lunch is over, it's back to work. I'm going to get started on researching and preparing offers. I'll present them internally later this week before proposing them to the customer.


Some days I'm tired and head straight home. But today I'm going out for drinks and pizza with friends, the perfect end to a busy day.

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