
Prepare for take-off

Get onboard for the 5G adventure because everything is in play today for the network of the future.


5G team manager

The next multimillionaire will be someone who, from their little workshop, in their head, finds the most effective system to get the most out of 5G and generate value using its technical characteristics. This is the first time we are deploying a network for which we do not yet have services which are compatible with its latency characteristics.

Christian, manager of the 5G deployment on transport networks team

2 years

of higher education the level from which we recruit


5G is starting

- 50 %

energy consumption


5G team manager

For a roll-out such as 5G, as for all innovative techniques, there is everything to discover, and everything to adapt. Processes have not been finalized. It is the technicians who come face to face with issues who must find the most effective way of responding to them. We are getting extraordinary feedback in this respect. The fact that technicians are contributing to process deployments which will become standardized throughout France is particularly encouraging.

Jobs in 5G

Orange Group


of our employees are proud to work for Orange


recommend Orange as a good place to work


is the candidate experience in France, in the category of companies with over 1,000 employees

Since 2011, Orange has GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) certification in some twenty countries