A successful remote interview during Covid-19

Remote job interviews have become common practice during the lockdown, and not only due to the current pandemic.
How to have a successful video interview ?
How to prepare for a fully remote interview ?
What are the pitfalls to avoid?

What are the advantages to get out of it ?

Here are our 12 essential tips to remember.

Flawless logistics

By anticipating the technical aspects of your remote interview, you're already one step ahead!

  1. Try out the technology

    The day before at the latest, make sure all the technology works correctly. Download the software beforehand to try out the tool. This means you get over a major potential source of stress: if a tool were to malfunction on one of your devices, you would have enough time to solve the problem. The main platforms used are Zoom and Skype.


At Orange, we use Skype for Business, Klaxoon and VisioTalent.

Recruitment officer

  1. Dress to impress
    A recruitment officer gets a general impression of a candidate in around 5 seconds. After that, they will simply try to confirm their first impression. So making a positive first impression is a good strategy. Dress as you would for a normal interview, taking particular care of your top half (but please put something on your bottom half too ;-)
  2. Polish your background
    How do you want to be perceived? Adapt your decor to this image. Tidy the room, take away personal details, make it look “pro”, have either a neutral room or on the contrary a room with a strong identity, you decide what image you want to project. However, choose a quiet area, without any background noise (problematic for the recruiter) and that is well lit.
  3. Expect the unexpected
    Like trying out the technology, thinking ahead helps to avoid feeling too stressed on the day. So make sure you have your contact’s phone number or email address in case of a problem. Have your current CV open on your desktop and log in five minutes before the start of the meeting.

Prepare, prepare, prepare!

Properly preparing for your job interview is still the number one rule!

  1. Think about how you will start
    What will be the first thing you say? Plan a few bits of small talk or non-strategic conversation before the interview to break the ice. Also plan the first sentence presenting your career. It is just a way to start off more smoothly... Then let your ideas flow, above all do not read from a prepared text. Trust yourself!
  2. Get your key points straight

    To be honest, whether it is an in-person interview or a remote interview, preparing your talking points is the most important thing. Preparing the key points you want to get across during the interview will enable you to lay the groundwork from the beginning of the discussion and will serve as a guide of the topics you want to address. Remember to stress the significance of your decisions, key factors in your choices and the reasoning behind your career path. Above all, for each topic, have specific examples.
  3. Prepare your questions
    Show that you are curious about how the team works, its role in the Group, how you will be working, the company culture, etc. Have a notepad to write down important information!
  4. Conclude

    Also prepare the end of the interview to summarize your main points, to fix them firmly in the recruiter’s mind, then reiterate your motivation to end on a positive note.

The D day

It is the day of the interview, here are a few final tips for a successful interview.

  1. Easier said than done (we know)
    We all know that non-verbal communication is important during an interview, and even more so when there is a screen between you and the person you are speaking with, which creates a sense of distance, a filter. However, pressuring yourself to think about body language, facial expressions, smiling, your posture or even intonation has never helped anyone. Simply remember to look the recruitment officer in the eyes even through the screen to create a connection with them. To help you be more natural during the interview, feel free to do a few breathing exercises a few minutes before logging on.
  2. You cannot prepare for everything
    ...and that is ok! We have stressed the importance of preparing for your interview. If something unexpected were to happen, see it as a way to prove your ability to adapt... In short, always see things as an opportunity.
  3. Do not read your notes
    Your intonation becomes monotonous more quickly remotely. Even if you want to have a few notes in front of you to reassure you, try not to read them! With this in mind, we recommend writing your notes in the form of keywords rather than full sentences. Also think about having the job description within easy reach as well as your CV.
  4. Take advantage of the format
    If you have anything you want to show that is online or on your computer, open them and ask to share your screen. It is a way of giving the interview a different pace and allows you to rely on concrete examples. Videos, websites, blogs, articles, photos, etc. Take advantage of the remote interview to illustrate what you are saying.

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