
Your mission, if you choose to accept it

... you will train at a major digital consultancy company, at one of our two consultancy entities: Orange Consulting or Sofrecom. At Orange Consulting, your mission will be to support companies with their digital transformation in France. And if you've got itchy feet, accept Sofrecom's mission, whose clients - operators and governments - are located in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This message will self-destruct in five seconds.


years average age


consultants in France - a close-knit entity


assignments completed each year Topics: employee digital transformation, client data intelligence, IT & network


Sofrecom consultant

We have a very high rate of change in terms of assignment content. There is a lot of diversity. It's very stimulating to have diverse assignments and contacts. This movement towards external clients and vice versa, reporting internally for Orange, the experience of having worked with other companies, other operators and therefore also being able to provide information, to capitalise and open up to other environments.


years of experience

Global leader

in telecoms engineering and consultancy


offices on 4 continents


networks and telecoms consultant

Network, cloud, big data, AI, SDN/NFV... What I love is being able to rely on the group's experience, the internal resources which I can use. We regularly organise workshops with clients which are attended by group experts. For us it is great support as we put the client face-to-face with people who really know what they're talking about.
And for us, the consultants, we learn from these people, so we continue to improve our skills in areas with which we aren't totally familiar.

Jobs in Consultancy

Orange Group


of our employees are proud to work for Orange


recommend Orange as a good place to work


is the candidate experience in France, in the category of companies with over 1,000 employees

Since 2011, Orange has GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) certification in some twenty countries