
Innovato ergo sum

643 M

643 million euros invested in Research and Innovation


new inventions protected by patents filed in 2020


researchers, including 140 PhD students and post-doctoral researchers


PhD and Security Researcher

For certain technologies, working in an industrial environment puts us a step ahead, because we conduct research on real problems, and we work on the latest technologies. I attend conferences on technologies at the moment when the academic community is just starting to discover them.


PhD and Virtualised Networks Researcher

I work with manufacturers, innovative SMEs, universities and academic laboratories. But we aren't by ourselves, quite the opposite. We share within an ecosystem which is teeming with these topics and which is full of ideas and guidance. And as we are one of the operators investing the most in research, we are seen as a valuable figure, and it is quite easy to form partnerships with others within our ecosystem.
Within the Group, we also have a very strong team, a community throughout France and overseas.


PhD and Security Researcher

My team comprises 50% operational workers and 50% researchers who all have PhDs, an environment which combines the academic community and the industrial world... And with an international dimension, which provides some diversity which is rare in France. We take part in top conferences worldwide, which allows us to interact with leading researchers.

Our jobs in Research

Everything you wanted to know

Orange Group


of our employees are proud to work for Orange


recommend Orange as a good place to work


is the candidate experience in France, in the category of companies with over 1,000 employees

Since 2011, Orange has GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) certification in some twenty countries