Software defined network
Functional Engineer
We have virtualized data centres with the cloud. Now, we're going to virtualize the network.
This is the idea behind the Software Defined Network, to offer a new level of abstraction, to rise above the technical reality, imagining there is a fibre optic connection, a 4G or ADSL connection, a home connection on our network. We need leave these concepts behind, to move beyond these technical ideas. We need to access something which is somewhere in the network. And there it is! And the network adapts. That, today, is the challenge. That is the next step for the internet and the world of telecommunications.
Yann in a Functional Engineer, Networks and Services
Jobs in SDN
Functional Engineer
We need technicians, engineers, developers, ergonomics specialists... We're looking for a huge variety of backgrounds, from very technical people who understand the network, as it currently exists, or existed a few years ago, and new technologies such as virtualization, and APIs.
Yann in a Functional Engineer, Networks and Services
Orange Group
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