Artificial Intelligence

Make the machine do the work


Data Analyst

I'm currently a Data Analyst as part of the Orange Graduate Program in Mougins. My work revolves around all things data: understanding it, extracting it, analyzing it, visualizing it…the list goes on!

Discover a workday in the life of Loredana

30 national and European projects


is the growth in business profitability generated by AI by 2035


specialists work in AI research and development


ergonomics designer

Beyond technological prowess, I ask myself what a robot could offer a human, and the impact of the robot-human co-habitation on our future ways of life, and therefore the responsibilities and rights involved in what we, Humans, will make of it.


Research engineer

The appeal in working for an industrial stakeholder such as Orange is being able to carry out research which has an applied value. What we develop will have a concrete use. Furthermore, within Orange, we are backed by the power of Orange Labs within a community of researchers, allowing us to take our work even further and generate value rapidly.

Stéphane is an AI and data research engineer

Jobs in AI


Research engineer

My job involves developing artificial intelligence algorithms, for example, to recognize human emotions, recognize people in a picture, or transcribe the audio from meetings and summarize it in a report.
In concrete terms, what we're looking for is operational efficiency: getting the best out of our networks, guaranteeing the best quality of service for our users, adapting our services to offer the best quality of experience.

Stéphane is an AI and data research engineer

Stéphane, co-creator of the sensitive home of tomorrow

Orange Group


of our employees are proud to work for Orange


recommend Orange as a good place to work


is the candidate experience in France, in the category of companies with over 1,000 employees

Since 2011, Orange has GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) certification in some twenty countries