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Responsable Evolution Platform and Edge Product

ref :577755 | 23 oct. 2023

date limite de candidature : 31 déc. 2024

  • Morocco - Sala Al Jadida - Maroc

votre rôle


Within Orange Business Product and Marketing division the Business Line Communication Services is ensuring the management of the communications services portfolio, covering connectivity services, collaboration services and associated professional services. The business line includes product strategy, product management, product engineering and operational marketing activities and is serving customers both on the French and multinational market. The business line represents xx % of Orange Business.

In line with the evolution of the market and customer requirements a strong transformation of the activity of the Business Line is ongoing with on one side the pruning of a wide number of legacy services, the development of new solutions (SD WAN, contact center…) opening new revenue opportunities and the transform of our business towards a plartform model with Evolution Platform


With the acceleration of digital transformation and the move to cloud, enterprise customers are expecting an network infrastructure delivering increasing agility, performance and security, to optimize the end to end connectivity from the user to the application in the cloud.

With Evolution Platform, our objective is to leverage our existing assets worldwide and deliver a network that behave like the cloud. To achieve that we are transforming the way we are building solutions for our customers, moving to a composable model to meet all customers requirements in a flexible approach and opening our infrastructure to technological partners in order to deliver the latest innovations to our customers.

Through a console or through APIs, our customers will be able to select the right combination of solutions to ensure the end to end connectivity (SD WAN, Security, Cloud connectivity…) with the associated service support.

The development of this platform and the associated product and services is handled through a strategic project managed through the SAFE agile methodology. This project called ‘Evolve’ is the key strategic project of Orange Business, with a high visibility at the Orange group level.


To support the development of Evolution Platform we are extending the Connectivity product management team in Morocco and are creating a senior product management position with a dual role.

Your first role (estimated at 60 to 70% of the total workload) will be to strengthen and develop a generic product framework on the platform :

  • Contributing to the definition and development of transversal product components like   generic contractual model, creation of a market place, classification of the proposed services (standalone bricks and end to end solution), monitoring and AI Ops, service management… )
  • Focusing on the extension of the platform in customer edge and assessing the opportunity to transform the way we are delivering services at the edge, using a generic computing device  Rather than a vendor specific hardware as we do it today, allow to deploy services  in a 100% software mode using the Evolution Platform orchestration

The second role (30 to 40% of the total workload) is to ensure the management of the Connectivity Product Management team in Morocco.

  • The team will start with 4 members and possibilities of extension focusing on Evolution and other key priority of Connectivity product management.
  • As a local manager the role will be to facilitate the onboarding of the new team members (integration phase, training), develop the synergies within the team in Morocco and with the rest of the product management team mainly based in Europe

votre profil

  • Master degree
  • Good knowledge of Enterprise Networking and Cloud environments
  • 10+ years of experience, having already worked in a product management and / or customer facing role (sales, presales,…)
  •  Interest in innovation and technological tranformations
  • Ability to work in transversal mode, in an agile and strongly evolutive environment (including in missions and priorities)
  • Leadership capabilities
  • Fluent English and Frenc

le plus de l'offre



Products and Marketing

Orange Business manages and integrates the complexity of international communications, freeing our customers to focus on the strategic initiatives that drive their business. Our extensive experience and knowledge in global communication solutions, together with our understanding of multinational business and local support in 166 countries and territories, ensure that our customers receive a consistent, global solution wherever they do business



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